Olga Peral


Chalk Bag

2024  WIP Self-led Project 

2024 WIP Self-led Project

Being a boulderer myself, I realise the importance of design in climbing gear to ensure the safest and best experience for climbers.

A key piece of gear is climbing chalk, a fine magnesium salt used to dry hands and improve grip. Chalk bags are used to carry it around while climbing and bouldering.

00 The Problem

Airborne Climbing Chalk

Air in climbing gyms is very high in particulate matter (PM) coming from climbing chalk which can lead to various respiratory issues, especially through long term exposure.  

How can chalk bag design reduce the amount of airborne chalk in climbing gyms?

01 Research

Issues with existing Chalk Bags

Chalk bag with drawstring mechanism 
Chalk bag with drawstring mechanism

Chalk bag with drawstring closure

Chalk bag with button closure
Drawstrings are the most common closing mechanism used in chalk bags. As seen in the first image on the left, when they are closed a cloud of chalk goes into the air.

02 Ideation

How can chalk bag design reduce the amount of airborne chalk in climbing gyms?

1. Automatic Magnetic Closure
2. 'Puff' Stopper
3. Powderpuff
4. Double Closure
5. Integrated Chalk Ball

1.    Automatic Magnetic Closure

2.    'Puff' Stopper

3.    Powderpuff

4.    Double Closure  

5.    Chalk Ball Integration

Quick Sketch Models

1 Automatic Magnetic Closure
3 Powderpuff
4 Double Closure
2 'Puff' Stopper  
Starting to explore ideas in 3D to gauge the proportions and better understand the closing mechanisms.

03 Development

Combining ideas

Integrated Chalk Ball further idea development

Puff Stopper further idea development
Work in progress, more coming soon...
00 About me
01 Chalk Bag
02 Re-sense
03 News-cube
05 Paintings

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